ALKALINE88: Water Alkaline Himalayan, 700 ml ('853158004044)
By creating more options for alkaline water consumers, we are enhancing healthful lifestyles at a reasonable cost.
It’s clear there is a growing demand for alkaline water and this is our response to that demand by offering economical solutions that fit every budget.
Everyone deserves an affordable opportunity to make alkaline water a part of their daily hydration.
ALKALINE88: Water Alkaline Himalayan, 700 ml
ALKALINE88: Water Alkaline Himalayan, 1 lt ('853158004037)
By creating more options for alkaline water consumers, we are enhancing healthful lifestyles at a reasonable cost.
It's clear there is a growing demand for alkaline water and this is our response to that demand by offering economical solutions that fit every budget.
Everyone deserves an affordable opportunity to make alkaline water a part of their daily hydration.
ALKALINE88: Water Alkaline Himalayan, 1 lt
ALKALINE88: Enhanced Alkaline Water, 128 oz ('853158004112)
To truly feel the benefits of Alkaline Water, we encourage everyone to make it their primary beverage consumed on a daily basis.
The Alkaline Water Company employs a state-of-the-art Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA) system to create 8.8 pH drinking water without the use of any chemicals. The ECA process uses specialized electronic cells coated with a variety of rare earth minerals to produce scientifically engineered water. The Company further incorporate 84 trace Himalayan minerals considered to be the best in the world.
ALKALINE88: Enhanced Alkaline Water, 128 oz
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